bauma China 2014: 我的bauma China 我的心故事

2014-05-15 171 0

  bauma China 2014,将在今年11月25-28日上海新国际博览中心拉开为期四天的工程机械行业盛宴。今年我们的展会口号定为“将心筑入 欲建未来”,希望我们主办方、参展企业、参观观众、媒体以及所有服务商都用心投入和品味bauma China,共同展望可建的未来。时光飞逝,记得bauma China 2012现场一位展商的微博“午休时间,客户不休息,我们也不休息!多希望上海宝马展全年无休!”事实上,除了bauma China在现场4天呈现出的熙攘繁忙,其他的时间也从未怠慢,从展后撤展、展后报告总结到新一届bauma China的策划、市场宣传,再到展商报名申请、展位划分、观众招募推广,进而到临近展会前一个多月的入场搭建,分分秒秒都在不停地运作。
  由此可见,中国市场对于国际企业而言,依然是商机无限。这也进一步加大了中国本土企业在中国市场的竞争压力。价格战不可避免,近乎残忍。同时对于质量、售后服务以及创新的挑战更加严峻,留给中国企业产业转型的时间已经不多了,几次转型时机错过后将面临痛苦的生存挣扎,并购将会增加。目前来说,工程机械调整已渐近尾声,谁能在2014年突围,如何突围将成为bauma China 2014现场最大的看点,同时bauma China也将和企业一起进入另一个全新的发展阶段,现场展商如何凸显企业文化,如何用心做事,全心做人、诚信布局也将成为展会彰显的行业精神。
  随着中国各地的基础设施建设复苏,高铁、地铁、廉租房、保障房及大型重点工程的相继开工,工程机械企业也在把握形势、伺机发力。参展bauma China,仍然是企业布局中的重要棋子,是发布新产品技术的广阔平台,是获取全国乃至全球客户资源的快捷通道,更是企业之间惺惺相惜、探讨交流、共度难关、一同发展的温情聚会。
  其实bauma China就是行业的缩影,一个微型社会。在这里有喜怒哀乐,有感动、有惊喜、有兢兢业业的劳累,也有工作之外的欢愉。在这里不仅仅是为了订单业绩,而更多的是用心学习、用心交流、用心体味看得见的友情。相信您在上海宝马展上也有很多精彩丰富的经历,请加入到我们的“我的bauma China,我的心故事”征集活动,来讲述您眼中的bauma China、您的故事、您的收获、您的感慨、您的趣闻。几句话就是一个故事,没有字数要求、没有内容限制,只要是发自您内心的一个讲述。现在就有想到一些吧,以“马上”的节奏打字发给我们吧,与更多工程机械人分享,带给大家快乐或启发。发送您与bauma China的故事到以下联系方式,赢取bauma China精美礼品与感恩回馈:
  1. 发送邮件到
  2. 回复到微信(微信号:baumachina)
  3. 私信到微博@baumaChina上海宝马展
  bauma China 2014: My bauma China Story Told by Heart
  bauma China 2014 will be be held from Nov. 25-28, 2014 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. The show this year has the new Chinese claim "Take heart to the industry, build up the future". That means our organizers, exhibiting companies, show visitors, media and all service providers need to devote to performing well at bauma China and together build up the tangible future of the construction machinery industry. Time is flying. An exhibitor at bauma China 2012 once posted in blog: "At the lunch break, our customers did not take a rest, neither did our staff; how wonderful if only bauma China would open all year round!" In fact, besides the 4-day onsite show, bauma China really does not take a rest at all, busy all the time with tear-down, show report and summary, new edition’s planning, marketing, exhibitor application, booth allocation, visitor promotion and over one-month booth construction..., no stop at a second.
  At present, the exhibitor application is still in full swing and the enthusiasm of the enterprises lets us forget about the gloomy industry. Until March 10, 2014, the number of exhibitors has increased by 4% compared with that of the last show at the same period. The number of new exhibitors has accounted for 32% of the total exhibitors. The number of new exhibitors of international companies, FIE and domestic companies all embraced a good increase. So far the exhibitors are from 43 countries and regions, among them, Germany, Taiwan, Austria, Korea and Canada ranked top 5 in the increased exhibitor list. In terms of product category, exhibitors with machines all around construction sites are still the main force, but we also see the building material machinery exhibitors and accessories exhibitors increased fast respectively by 10%.
  Therefore, Chinese market is still full of business opportunities for the international enterprises, which furthermore gives more pressure to the domestic companies. Price war is inevitable, almost cruel. In the meanwhile, the challenge of quality, after-sale services and innovation are even more severe. The time for Chinese enterprises to make industry transformation is left little. The companies will be frustrated and be in risk after several failures in transformation. Mergers and acquisition will increase, too. Currently, construction machinery adjustment gradually comes to the end. Who will break out in 2014 and how to break out will be the biggest highlight and surprise at bauma China 2014. At the same time, bauma China will step into a brand new development stage together with our construction and machinery enterprises. Exhibitors are suggested to think about how to showcase the company culture, and be hard-working, dedicated and honest, which are also the industry spirits that are emphasized at bauma China.
  As more infrastructure constructions start all over China, including construction of high-speed rail, subway, low-rent housing, affordable housing and large key projects, construction machinery enterprises are trying to grasp the opportunities and get growth. To exhibit at bauma China, is still one important strategy. bauma China is the excellent platform to launch new products and technologies, the fast access to get customer resources all over the world, and moreover the good party to communicate, appreciate, and overcome difficulties together.
  Actually, bauma China is the microcosm of the industry, a mini-society with emotions, joy, being touched. Here orders are not the most important, but to learn, to communicate, and to feel the face-to-face friendship is the key focus. You may have some wonderful experience at bauma China, please kindly attend our story collection activity—“My bauma China story from heart” to share your gain, your perception, your interesting experience. And only a few sentences will be a story. We require no word limit, no subject limit. To be the true story with bauma China is what we highly appreciated. Would you please share your story to please or inspire others via Email to You will have the opportunity to win the sentimental gift of bauma China. Welcome to join us and we are here to listen to your story!

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